Water Committee Update

Some residents may experience chlorine odors and taste as we work to adjust the amount of chlorine injected into our water system after repairs to the chlorine pump were done.

Chlorine is injected into our water system to disinfect our water in compliance with Washington State Department of Health (DOH) requirements.

Although you may smell or taste chlorine, the amounts are within DOH limits, but we are working towards adjusting the amount to the minimum allowed in order to minimize taste and odor.

Any questions and/or concerns, please reach out to your Communications Committee or your Admin Office:  



or call: 206-941-0484


If you still have colored water, run the closest bib to the water meter for 20-30 minutes. If you have done that, run it a little longer like 45 minutes.

If you have done that and still colored water, take your aerator’s out, clean them and then put back in.

North West Water made a mistake on Friday, flipped a switch they weren’t suppose to, and drained the reservoir.

All wells are working and going.

If you are experiencing any issues, please reach out to the Communications Committee by emailing:



and or call: 206-941-0484

Office Closed Today

Good day Scott Lake! Jyll had a last minute emergency to attend to and won’t be in the office today.

The heat is supposed to take a break today as we’re expected to get some drizzle. If you’re still looking to use the Community Center as a Cooling Station, please reach out to Dane Johnston(206-941-0484 or dane.johnston@scottlake.net) to have it opened up.

Board and Town Hall Meeting

On June 27th at 6pm to 9pm, your Board of Trustees are meeting to discuss many topics and we’d also like to open up the floor to the community to ask questions. Please come to the community center on Monday evening June 27th at 6pm. Some of us will be there early to meet and greet you too. For those that can’t attend in person, we’ve enabled Zoom as our remote meeting provider. Please visit our agenda page to take a look at all the interesting topics.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 8891 3007
Passcode: 754386
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Meeting ID: 891 8891 3007
Passcode: 754386
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/koaEprrRj

Good Morning Everyone

We believe issue is resolved and water pressure has returned to normal based on what we are hearing and seeing.

There will a Water Boil in effect until at least Tuesday June 28th when lab results come back.

We will of course keep you posted if this is changed.

We will keep you updated.


It has been brought to our attention that their is low water pressure.

A NWS technician is on the way to assess the situation, his ETA is about 45 minutes.

We will keep you posted as we learn more.


Community Awareness Day Location Change

Due to hotter weather coming our way, the June 25, 2022 Community Awareness Day location has been changed to the Park near the tennis courts. Same time frame of 10am-2pm, but come over to the park and meet your neighbors and community. CPR training will still be in the community center, spots available if you want to participate. Please contact Allison at 360 470 3087 or allisonglidden29@gmail.com if you want to participate in the CPR classes.

Board Meeting Cancelled

Since we don’t have any business to conduct tonight. We’re cancelling our board meeting.

Sorry for the last minute notice.

Water Meter Readings

It has come to our attention that the May meter readings are inaccurate. We apologize for this mix up.

We are currently in an investigative stage to learn more about what occurred and how many were affected. We’ve set a deadline of 6/17 to ensure enough time is given to gather the necessary data and perform the analysis from this data.

In the meantime, SLMC won’t charge any overage of water usage. We only ask that you pay the base rate of $75.00 for the water, plus the $40.00 HOA and $18.28 Special Assessment(if you haven’t paid it in full).

We are truly sorry for this inconvenience and want to assure you that we’re getting to a resolution. Once we know more, we’ll share.

Update – Oil Spill in the Lake

Department of Ecology was out to inspect the oil spill and WDFW sopped up some oil. It’s been reported by some fishing residents that it’s gone.

Scott Lake Maintenance Company has become aware of an oil spill in our lake. This is between the Fishing Dock and Boat Launch. It wasn’t a lot of oil, but enough to notice. A friend of a community member is on the State Oil Response Team and is dropping off some oil spill pads for clean up.

Parking in the Street

Scott Lake Maintenance Company (SLMC) has received several complaints that vehicles are parked in the street in front of residences. Parking in the street is a concern for emergency vehicle access, it also prevents LeMay trucks access for pickup of garbage/recyclables or other vendors such as UPS, etc. to transverse our narrow streets. On some of the narrower streets, such as Champion, Hilltop Court, and Shoreview and many of the other streets, the clearance is too narrow for bigger vehicles.

SLMC is asking each resident to be aware of this situation. The impact if emergency vehicles are not able to get to the residence is a concern.

Your Board of Trustees are currently working on addressing these issues in our Protective Covenants documents. 

With the understanding that most households have two or more cars, houses and driveways getting smaller and cars getting bigger, it can be difficult for parking. If parking on the street is impacting you, please talk with your neighbors.  


Scott Lake Maintenance Company