Reports of discolored water

We are in receipt of reports of brown water in the vicinity of Champion, Link Court, Shoreview, and other areas in close proximity.  Scott Lake Maintenance Company Board members investigated for leaks, and none were found.  We then contacted Northwest Water (NWS) again and believe the stirred-up sediment causing the discolored water is due to work NWS did on our water treatment system today.

We were informed that today NWS had sent technicians to fill the water treatment tanks with calcium carbonate which helps balance the ph of our water. The last time this work was done, our system experienced the same discolored water issue in the same area.  We believe that during the refill of the treatment tanks, the work stirred up sediment causing the discolored water.  

Please run your water until the water runs clear, ideally at the closest location to where your service comes into your property.  Please let the office know, no one will be charged an excess water charge for clearing the discolored water.

If you have any questions, please contact the office.