Register to Attend December 11 Special Meeting of the Members via Zoom

Due to space limitations of the community center, homeowners can register to attend the Special Meeting of the Membership on December 11, 2021, at 10:00 AM via Zoom. Below is the information and link to register in advance to attend via Zoom.

When: December 11, 2021, 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register for this meeting no later than 4:00 pm on Thursday December 9, 2021, through the following link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Homeowners who register to participate in the meeting via Zoom will need to pick up their ballots from the Scott Lake office prior to the meeting. Ballots will be available for pick up at the office by appointment only. All visitors to the Scott Lake office must wear a mask. Ballots must include the homeowner’s name, address, and signature and be deposited in the drop box at the Scott Lake office prior to 9:30 am on December 11, 2021, to be valid and counted.

Only those homeowners participating in the Special Meeting via Zoom will be able to obtain their ballots in advance. All other homeowners and their proxies will receive ballots at the in person meeting at the Community Center at 10:00 AM on December 11, 2021.

Please direct your questions to or 360-352-4787. Thank you.

Park Vandalism

This happened between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m. November 23, 2021 and did damage to the signs within the park. The Park was vandalized again between 12:30 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. on November 27, 2021. A witness has described the vandals as three to four kids. The one female that has shoulder length black hair, one male is a heavier set with short hair and one male that is tall lengthy with a mustache and goatee. The fourth individual was on a reddish color beach cruiser type bicycle with lights. Description of the additional damage and the descriptions of the vandals have been reported to the Thurston County Sheriff’s department.  Anyone with information on who may have done this please contact the Thurston County Sheriff’s office and reference # T21001426 or report number 21-200948.

Trash Bin Reminder

Just a friendly reminder, don’t forget to pull your trash bins in after pickup on Wednesday. This will help prevent blocking of street or driveways. Thank you.


Thurston County Emergency Management provides sandbags to West Thurston Fire for redistribution, as a resource to help protect areas and limit damage during flood situations. There is a limited supply of these sandbags still available at the Scott Lake Maintenance Company Community Center parking lot located at 2631 114th Way SW. Members of the Scott Lake area are encouraged to utilize this free resource. If you are in need of sandbags to help with flooding please feel free to come by the Community Center parking lot and pick some up.

For more information and helpful tips on steps to take before, during, and after a flooding event check out Thurston County Sandbag Priorities.

Staffing Update

Please join the Board of Trustees in congratulating Executive Secretary Caitlin Magee on her new employment opportunity. Sadly, Ms. Magee’s last day with Scott Lake Maintenance Company will be September 30. She will also be taking some vacation days prior to her departure.

The Board is currently exploring next steps. In the interim, Board member Ruth Elder will be responding to messages received at the office. 


The Boil Water Advisory for the Scott Lake water system is lifted effective immediately and normal consumption can resume. Lab results were just returned confirming that the sample passed allowing the advisory to be lifted.

We thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation while we work through ongoing maintenance of the water system.

All work being done to the system is vital for continued operations, and the health and safety of our residents is of the utmost importance.

Please remember – all official Scott Lake Maintenance communications are posted on our website at as well as on the official @ScottLakeMaintenance Facebook page.

In order to ensure that you are getting the most accurate information, please direct all questions, comments, concerns through our official online pages or to

Response to Petition for Special Meeting

Scott Lake Maintenance Company is subject to a minimum 14 day notice requirement for special meetings, as provided in RCW 64.38.035(2) and confirmed by legal counsel.

The petition for the calling of a special meeting to be held on August 19 was delivered to the Scott Lake Maintenance Co. office late on Thursday, August 12. The statutory requirement for notice of the requested meeting could not be met. A meeting of the membership could not be validly held, and, if held, no action at that meeting would be valid.

Property Maintenance – Fire Season Precaution

With the sunny weather and higher temperatures also comes an increase in the threat of fire danger. Regular property maintenance doesn’t just keep yards and the community visually appealing, but also serves as a tool in defense against fire damage. Multiple properties throughout the community have what is referred to as “ladder fuels”. Ladder fuels are various forms of vegetation that would allow fire to climb and spread at a rapid rate. Common examples of ladder fuels include both living and dead vegetation such as tall/overgrown grass, weeds, shrubs, and low hanging branches.

The Scott Lake Protective Covenants provide that “Lots must be maintained in a reasonably clean and sightly manner. It is the responsibility of the owners to care for their lots and plots therein, to kill, destroy and/or remove grass, weeds, rodents predatory animals and any unsightly or obnoxious things”

Please take a moment and survey your property to ensure that grass, weeds, shrubs, and trees are all trimmed and adequately maintained. Regular property maintenance can help protect your property, and neighboring properties, from disastrous fire damage.

Concerned about the condition of a neighboring property? Let us know! Submit the Covenant Violation Report Form.

Want to learn more? Check out the Department of Health website for information on wildfire prevention/emergency preparedness. Department of Natural Resources has a great informational flyer on defending your home from wildfire.

Thurston County enacted a burn ban effective June 24, 2021 – September 30, 2021. Be sure to check for burn ban updates on the ORCAA website.

2021 Water Rate & Reserve Study

A full copy of the 2021 Water Rate and Reserve Study is available at the following link.

Where to Direct Water Complaints | Water Testing Sign-Up

Providing safe and healthy drinking water to residents of the Scott Lake Community is of the utmost importance. All water quality related complaints reported to the office are taken seriously and are logged and tracked.

It has come to our attention that a number of residents are sharing their water quality concerns on various community group Facebook pages rather than reporting them to the office. All questions, concerns, and complaints should be submitted to the Scott Lake Maintenance Company office so that we can follow-up directly.

On Wednesday, May 19, 2021 our local contractor will be onsite to take water samples from service locations where residents have submitted concerns that their water is unsafe or undrinkable. You will not need to be home in order to have a sample taken as the sample will be taken from an outside faucet. You will simply need to report to the office between Tuesday, May 11th – Monday, May 17th that you wish to have a sample taken from your service location. Requests for this water sampling can be submitted by email to or by calling (360) 352-4787.

Scott Lake drinking water is tested regularly in accordance with Department of Health regulations. Lab results from Department of Health required testing can be found through the Sentry Internet on the Department of Health website at

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires that a Water Quality Report be made on an annual basis. The Scott Lake 2020 Water Quality Report can be found on our website at the following link Scott-Lake-2020.pdf (

Aesthetic characteristics may be present in your drinking water but do not typically pose a public health threat. Learn more about color, taste and odor problems in drinking water through a publication made by the Department of Health Color, taste and odor problems in drinking water

Please note: There are no failed tests or any other indicators that Scott Lake drinking water is unsafe or unhealthy. This service is being provided as a courtesy to those customers who believe that there may be an issue with their drinking water.