Scott Lake Maintenance Co. (SLMC) and Northwest Water along with the Community Action Council (CAC) of Thurston County has entered a joint contract to assist Thurston County households in a Low-Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). This program specifically addresses Thurston County water customers whose income is at or below 150% of federal poverty guidelines. This is a onetime payment for those that are facing imminent disconnection or are disconnected from water. LIHWAP is designed to assist customers with a grant of up to $2,500 to bring their accounts to a zero balance.
If you are behind on your water bill, and need some help paying, Community Action Council may be able to help! If you qualify under Federal income guidelines, they can give a one-time payment of up to $2500 to bring your balance to zero. For more information, you can call Community Action Council at 360-438-1100 and press 5.
The application is available for pickup at your community admin office, by email from the admin office or you can download here. Your community admin office can fax this application for any SLMC household.
Below are the income guidelines for assistance with water (it says LIHEAP, but they are the same income guidelines). For any client signing, we would need income for the three months prior to the signature date, so an April signature will need income for January, February, and March.. This application can get them help with water, as well as their PSE bill or other heating as applicable.

Each person applying, will need:
- Photo ID for the primary applicant
- Social Security Cards for everyone in the home
- Utility bill (water, sewer, electric, etc)
- Proof of income for the three months prior to the signature date…
Once the application is received and all the requirements are met, CAC will work with Northwest Water and SLMC to ensure that the payment for water is received and recorded.
We will need anything with original signatures physically returned, but anything else can be faxed or emailed. Fax # is 360 736-1891 and mailing address is: 3020 Willamette Drive NE Lacey WA 98516